Showing Reports From Apr 04, 2012 to Jul 24, 2020 Change Date Range

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1-5 of 4562 Reports

Blasphemy Against Prophet Muhammad



Blasphemy Against Prophet Muhammad 0 Unverified

06:13 Jul 17, 2020

From his name, you should know he took after his descendants. Mohammed are serial rapist, you can find out to their ancient ancestors history. More Information » « Less Information

Enugu, Nigeria

No doubts hausa/Fulani are born rapist 0 Unverified

06:02 Jul 17, 2020

No doubts hausa/Fulani are born rapist, they did the same to our women during the civil war a lot of atrocities committed against Biafra women More Information » « Less Information

Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria

1-5 of 4562 Reports

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Total Reports Avg Reports Per Day % Verified
4562 1 15.94%